Production Management Laboratory


LAB news

The Production Management Laboratory (PML) was founded in 1995. It plays a pivotal role in supporting teaching activities and pioneering research in the field of systems analysis. This research involves the utilization of operations research, applied probability, and optimal control methods, with a focus on applications in production and operations planning, scheduling and control, supply chain management, design of electricity markets, environmental management, and more.

The Laboratory is under the guidance of Professors George Liberopoulos (Director of the laboratory) and Dimitris Pantelis. It operates in close collaboration with Professors Kostas Ampountolas, George Kozanidis, and George Saharidis, in addition to a talented team of undergraduate and postgraduate students and PhD candidates.

PML boasts a diverse range of research activities. In recent years, its research initiatives have covered a broad spectrum, including but not limited to:

  • Design and analysis of production and inventory control policies with advanced demand information.
  • Reliability analysis and productivity estimation of unreliable automated lines, particularly within the food industry.
  • Inventory management systems where customer service directly impacts future demand.
  • Flight planning and maintenance of mission aircraft.
  • Pricing strategies in day-ahead electricity markets, addressing non-convexities.
  • Analysis of service systems with strategic, delay-sensitive customers.

The Laboratory places a strong emphasis on fundamental research, while also dedicating a significant portion of its efforts to applied and funded research projects, as is the case with its participation in the European lighthouse project

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