Alternative Energy Conversion Systems Laboratory



The Laboratory of Alternative Energy Conversion Systems (LAECS) belongs to the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DMIE) of the University of Thessaly. The University of Thessaly was officially established in 1984 with the Presidential Decree 83/84.The DMIE is situated in the city of Volos . Its operation began during the academical year 1990-91.The LAECS started its research applications during the academic year 1995.

 The LAECS exhibits educational and research activities in various scientific fields such as of:

  • Computational and Applied Thermodynamics
  • Catalytic and Electrochemical Process Engineering
  • Energy Conversion Systems 
  • Catalyst and Reactor Design
  • Pollution Control Technology
  • Fuel Cells Technology

 The basic scope of the LAECS operation is:

  • to cover the educational and research requirements of the under- and post-graduate curricula of the DMIE 
  • R&D activities provide technological development
  • to confront real problems in the branches of scientific research and industry


  • Concerning energy issues and more specifically renewable energy sources' utilization (biomass), catalytic combustion of natural gas etc.
  • Concerning pollution abatement technology, particularly catalytic methods of air pollutants' management