A European RFCS research program
July 2011 – June 2014

A European RFCS research program
July 2011 – June 2014


Work package 6

Development of guidelines and background documents for pipeline design under ground-induced actions; dissemination of results

WP Leader
Delft University of Technology

The present WP6 constitutes the main target of the present project: the development of design guidelines and operational recommendations for buried steel pipelines in areas where significant ground-induced deformations are expected.

    Towards this purpose, the following objectives are aimed at

  • Developing a simplified methodology for an efficient stress analysis in buried pipelines, that would take into consideration all the experimental and rigorous-numerical results obtained in the previous WPs.
  • Summarizing the main experimental and numerical results in a concise document, to be used as a background document, together with design examples.
  • Discussing the draft of the developed guidelines in a dedicated dissemination workshop organized by the coordinator and the industrial partners.

Completing the final text of the design guidelines / operational recommendations.